Meet Dan Strothers

A close up of the water surface with different colors

Atlantis 2, 48″x34″, figured maple, mappa burl, brass wire, polymer resin

Dan Strothers

My work attempts to bond its viewers to their ancestral origins by working with natural materials in random shapes in a similar way to which nature works. Some of the most beautiful and long lasting images in one’s mind, are those of brilliant sunsets, snow capped mountain peaks, breaking ocean waves, lush valleys, impending thunder storms and simple wild flowers. We too rarely see these everyday occurrences, but they bring to mind vivid colors of natural beauty.

I begin each project with a search for that certain wood which stimulates a visual image in my mind’s eye followed by a feeling. The grain pattern is of utmost importance as that is what makes the light dance on the finished piece and bring it to life. I then choose organic shapes or themes to create art that infuses me with emotion.

When I put an image into form, it takes on a life of its own. The finishes and patinas enhance the refraction of light on the wood in such a way that the art is always in motion, always playing, talking to the viewer in a way that only natural matter can do…as if it had a soul.

The materials that I use have been around since the dawn of time, some growing then dying just to grow again but all naturally recycled over and over again. Every bit of matter in these artworks has seen the sunsets, the mountains, and the flowers in all the glory of their previous forms.

Our souls have been there too.

My dad died in 1994. I still grieve for him today. He was my best friend.

In 2004, I had an incredible series of dreams in which my dad reassured me that he was still with me. He shared the glory of the afterlife with me. “You are privileged,” he said. I had always known that he loved me, but in those dreams I came to understand that his love was boundless.

My dad’s outpouring of love in those dreams inspires my art to this day. So if, while viewing my artwork, something looks familiar or kindles a spirit, remember, you, me, my art and all that we have ever seen have been here since the beginning of time.